Wednesday, 18 April 2012

La Dieta Fornero

The Italian  Minister of Labour, Elsa Fornero, said that the new Labour Reform "is like a diet, it requires some effort".

"But look at the results you can achieve with a little perseverance".

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Life on Other Planets

Pensas que existem outros seres intelligentes em outros planetas?
Pensi che ci siano esserei intelligenti su altri pianeti?

Friday, 6 April 2012

Governo Monti 2

"We were pretty sure that, after Berlusconi, things couldn't go worse"
"You know...Italians love to go beyond expectations".

Governo Monti 1

"Mario Monti said that the new labour reform is necessary for the country, although it is not easy to understand".                                                                                                                                                     "Well, the part that says that workers should be starved and  enslaved is perfectly clear".