Sunday 31 December 2023

 This one is about a statement of an Italian Minister that said that girls at 18 should thin having kids is 'cool'.

Wednesday 27 December 2023



 I wanted to call this one "The Warmongering Politician" but then I dedided to leave its interpretation to the public.

Volevo chiamare questa "Il politico guerrafondaio" ma ho deciso di lasciare libertà di interpretazione al pubblico.

Monday 4 December 2023

Live each Day as if it is the Last / Vivi ogni giorno come se fosse l'ultimo


Io mi oppongo al pensiero unico!

 Anche io mi oppongo al pensiero unico, ma a quello vero:

I cannot translate this one in English because is about the inversion of meaning that  local alt-right parties made of the expression "penséé unique" when they wanted to act anty-establisment, arbitrarily using the expression with a  meaning that can be vaguely rendered as "woke thought". 

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Non tutti gli uomini...

 This one uses a Latin proverb and I really don't know if it is also used in English-speaking countries.

Friday 24 November 2023

 Oops! I used the same drawing twice in a row. 

Monday 20 November 2023

Per chi ha una certa età

 About an Italian fixed phrase used in journalism to describe some political environments.