Thursday, 22 December 2022


 Italian translation of a cartoon I posted some time ago.

Monday, 12 December 2022

Saturday, 10 December 2022


 This one also is about an Italian issue.

 The pun is based on some Italian idioms and I cannot find an adequate English translation/adaptation.

Monday, 14 November 2022

Zampedigallina Video

Zampedigallina ha aperto il suo canale youtube per le sue fiabe illustrate.

Per adesso c'è solo un video senza traccia audio, ma conto di aggiungerne altri con voce narrante o perlomeno con un sottofondo musicale. 

Chickenscratch Comics has its own youtube channel where I am going to post my "nursery rhymes". All of them are in Italian. 

Ecco il primo video

This is the link to the first video.

Il Corvo Gregorio

La competizione