Saturday 10 March 2012

Mortes no trabalho, desemprego, discriminação sexual, pobreza, poluição, sistema de saúde pública ineficiente, escândalos das obras públicas.

“Quem disse que na Itália há só máfia?”

Perdono / Forgiveness / Perdão

Filho, lembra-te do que diz a nossa Bíblia sobre o perdão aos inimigos.

Figliolo, ricorda cosa dice la Bibbia riguardo al perdono.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

L'intoccabile Fiat / Freedom of Speech in Italy

"Fiat sued an Italian TV journalist for a bad review of an Alfa Romeo car and the judge gave him a 5 million euros fine".

"If the journalist had made a review of the 'multipla' Fiat would have had him hanged"

Sunday 12 February 2012

Il gallo Mario, critico letterario

The last three cartoons dealt with Italian issues, so I did not translate them. More 'universal' cartoons coming soon.

Saturday 14 January 2012


I had this idea of a "writing spider" and then I took inspiration, for the spiderweb, from an old illustration from the "The Boys' and Girls' Readers" (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1919) by  Emma Miller Bolenius that I found on the website

Witches' Brew

-"Eye of newt, toe of frog, tail of rat and hair of dog...."
-What about a vegan version with lettuce and tofu ?"

Monday 12 December 2011


Sei nel mio cuore.
Come un embolo ?

Tu és no meu coração.
Como um êmbolo ?