Showing posts with label creatura fantastica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creatura fantastica. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Unknown facts about Mythology

In un'epoca mitologica, quando creature fantastiche popolavano la terra...
"Credo sia meglio che i posteri non sappiano nulla a riguardo..."

Numa era mitológica, quando existiam criaturas fantásticas e maravilhosas...
“Acho que seja melhor não transmitir isso para a posteridade...”

À l'époque mythologique, quand créatures étranges et fantastiques cheminaient sur la terre...
« Je pense qu'il sera meilleur non faire connaitre ce ça à la postérité...

Friday, 23 April 2010

Mythological Fearsome Critter

The Sphonk: An hybrid between the sphinx and the squonk. It has the gift of prophecy, but it can foresee only unfortunate events, so it is shunned by men and beasts alike and this makes him even sadder.

For those who don't know what a squonk is: