Showing posts with label ghosts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ghosts. Show all posts

Monday, 18 October 2010

Scottish Ghost

Vejo que és orgulhoso  das tuas origens Escocêsas !
Je veux que tu es très fier de tes origines écossaises !
Vedo che sei fiero delle tue origini scozzesi !

Ok, the ghosts'clothes topic has gone too far...

Monday, 5 April 2010

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Ghosts' Clothes III

"Ti vedo teso"
" Ho dimenticato di mettere l'ammorbidente nel bucato"

Ghosts' Clothes

" Tutte le altre mie lenzuola sono sporche e non avevo altro da mettermi."

Friday, 1 January 2010

Practical Problem for a Ghost

" Cosa ti cruccia, o anima in pena ? "

First of all: Happy 2010 to everybody! ... this is the first cartoon of the new year.

Tuesday, 29 December 2009