Sunday, 16 August 2015

Ants / Formiche

Hide and Seek / Nascondino

I really cannot draw fish tanks and circular shapes in general, so I downloaded a copyright-free clipart from the web and added the fish, the colours and the joke. :D

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Optimism! Ottimismo

La cifra è stata presa da un post di facebook quindi non me la sento di garantire sulla sua attendibilità.
For international readers: Italian politics, I do not think it is worth translating it.

I problemi dell'Italia

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Another one on the new Italian Education Reformation Act. Traditional nonsense cartoons coming soon.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

La riforma Giannini

For international readers: This one, again, is about Italian politics, and in particular, about the reform of the school sistem that will allegedly force thousands of teachers of all ages to move hundreds (or thousands) of kilometers away from their families in order to get a steady contract.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

The Strip of the Absurd

I simply got bored and had my notebook and a gel ballpoint pen handy. :D

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Chickenscratch Aphorisms / Gli aforismi di Zampedigallina.

Dear readers, I added a page to my blog where I'll dump all the foolish ideas that do not go well with a drawing. You will find it in the pages header.

Cari lettori, ho aggiunto una pagina con tutte le scemenze per le quali non riesco ad inventare un disegno. La troverete nella barra delle pagine.


Sunday, 7 June 2015

Consigli per l'estate | Summer Advice

Fa troppo caldo per stare davanti al pc a colorare le vignette, quindi i miei lettori possono considerarsi liberi di stamparla e colorarla oppure farla colorare ai propri bambini.

Too hot here in Italy to sit at the PC colouring my cartoons. Feel free to colour it themselves digitally or manually, after downloading it, or give it to your kids, they know what to do.