Monday, 24 August 2020

Buoni Covid

 About an Italian issue related to the pandemic.

Thursday, 9 July 2020

"The Phantom Wooer" by T.L. Beddoes illustrated by Chickenscratch Comics

Since I first read this poem, it came to my mind that I could turn it into a sequence of illustrations.
I tried different styles but I was never satisfied, then I decided to draw it in my 'cartoonish' style and to publish it. This does not mean I am satisfied with the result, but maybe I will stop thinking about it for a while and I can start working on my next idea.
Slides will change every 5 seconds.
Click "play" to read.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Un'altra filstrocca per bambini (forse)

Potete leggerla sia cliccando sull'immagine che sul link sottostante, oppure guardarla sotto forma di presentazione in basso.