Monday 31 May 2010

Help needed / Ho bisogno del vostro aiuto !

For the first time since I started the blog, I ask something from the viewers.
I need to select some of my cartoons to make prints for an expo and it is difficult for me to choose among my own drawings, so I am asking for your help.
Can you please tell me what your favourite cartoons are by emailing me at ?
Thank you very much.

Per la prima volta dalla creazione del blog, ho qualcosa da chiedere ai miei pazienti lettori.
Devo selezionare alcune vignette per un' esposizione e poiché non ritengo il mio giudizio obiettivo, mi rimetto al vostro. Segnalatemi quelle che preferite all'account

Saturday 22 May 2010

New Generations / Le nuove generazioni

"Come fa la tua generazione a non vergognarsi per la società che ci avete lasciato in eredità ?"
"Non prendertela con me, quando avevo la tua età faceva già schifo da un pezzo..."

Safety / Sicurezza


"Quando ho detto che mi sarebbe piaciuto frequentare una persona che mi facesse sentire al sicuro, avevo in mente qualcosa di leggermente diverso..."

Thursday 20 May 2010

Writing Heron

Greek Mythology

Recenti ritrovamenti archeologici hanno svelato il mistero all'origine del lungo viaggio di Ulisse: Si rifiutava di fermarsi a chiedere informazioni !

"Ricordo perfettamente la strada di casa, non capisco perché dobbiamo chiedere in giro ?"

Sunday 16 May 2010

Il governo del fare / Italian Politics II

Ogni riferimento a cose e persone esistenti é puramente casuale e la vignetta è ambientata in un mondo fittizio in cui dei formichieri giganti guardano la TV seduti in poltrona.

Another cartoon on Italian politcs. 'International' cartoons coming soon.

Monday 10 May 2010

Italica situazione / Italian Social Commentary

A macabre drawing for a coarse joke on Italian politics.
However, I like this one, I am thinking about recycling it for other jokes.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Scandalo nella Chiesa / Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal

Catholic Church sex abuse scandal: Some bishops resign
-- "When I think about the fact that those people say to act in my name I'd like to blame myself, but that would be blasphemy, and I am not the type to do that kind of things".

Friday 23 April 2010

Mythological Fearsome Critter

The Sphonk: An hybrid between the sphinx and the squonk. It has the gift of prophecy, but it can foresee only unfortunate events, so it is shunned by men and beasts alike and this makes him even sadder.

For those who don't know what a squonk is:

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Fantastic Creature

It has been recently proven that, in ancient times, gryphons really existed, but their appearance was different from the one that has been transmitted to us by legends, old raffigurations and miniated manuscripts.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Snow White and the Maniac Dwarf

"If you marry Prince Charming you'll become a princess too, but if you spend a night with me I'll make you a minister !"

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Monday 5 April 2010

Saturday 3 April 2010

Buona Pasqua / Happy Easter

I think it may make some sense also in English without the balloons.

Friday 19 March 2010

Government fund-cuttings affected also caretaking personnel. I once worked in a school in which dust-mites were so big that the kids trained them to carry their rucksacks.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Wednesday 17 March 2010


Another pun on an Italian proverb. Cartoons in English coming soon!!

Saturday 6 March 2010

" Apprezzo veramente questa vostra invenzione della 'guerra psicologica', ma temo che i tempi non siano ancora maturi..."

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Fairy Tales

" Ok, ti darò un bacio così potrai trasformarti in un principe, ma se solo provi a tirar fuori quella linguaccia appiccicosa ti spiaccico ! "

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Italy appeal on European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights accepted Italy appeal regarding the display of crucifixes in Italian classrooms... also because, following the increase in the number of students in each class, it is the only thing that can be seen from the last rows.

Tuesday 16 February 2010


Chi conosce il portoghese, oppure chi vorrebbe impararlo, può vedere alcune vignette del sottoscritto anche sul blog dell'associazione Italo-Portoghese "Tu cá Tu lá":

The ones of you who know Portuguese, or the ones who want to learn it, can see some strips made by me in the "Tu cá Tu lá" Italian-Portuguese Association blog :